Dream Dimensions

I hope to share an idea and bring to focus what I mean when talking about Dream dimensions or dream worlds, with some practice and targeted analysis, you too will eventually be able to explore deeper into your own dreams and the locations you regularly inhabit inside them, thus creating over time a stronger ability to remember more of this dream dimension when you awaken.

I’m going to explain in more detail about how I feel we are connected to a dimension only accessible through the type of consciousness we drop in and out of when we sleep.

These “dimensions” (dream locations) appear to me and others a seemingly vast and alive patchwork of interconnected places making up our dream world or, dream dimension.

Upon waking up we experience unique memories of adventures and activities we have just had within a previously dreamt location followed by the amazing realization that it was in one of those familiar dream world locations you’ve been to before in the experience over the years.

These locations are so hauntingly familiar, the activities and encounters your dream self has within are always so different, alive, and unique, yet the locations are always the same and can be explored in such an organic detail. Each time revealing more.

That is to say this isn’t just a reoccurring dream taking place, this is an experiencing of places in a growing world over years and years.

I would like to point out, it feels this “dream self” has a separate ego and perspective to one’s own waking self and that they are unaware they are living in a “dream world.” The memories I have the next day, feel as though I’m remembering someone else’s experiences. Yet that somebody is, and at that moment was “me.”

It’s encouraging and exciting reading other people’s accounts and discovering they too, frequently remember their dreams taking place in very specific types of buildings, rooms and locations connected by many long roads, cities, and forests to many other previously experienced places, it’s as though this is a collective phenomenon, that takes some practice to be able to dissect and analyze when we awaken.

In this text I will describe my own personal locations in these dream worlds. I haven’t had the need for a dream journal because the memories from these places from countless other dreams within them previously, is so recognizable and familiar to me now, and to my excitement a lot of other people.

To me, these dreams and their settings feel unique, and so consistently familiar in their abstract yet seemingly terrestrial locations, to be simply recycled synapses playing from the brain during sleep, none of these places are exact mirrors of scenes I and others inhabit in waking life, nor are they a jumbled ensemble of recycled experiences.

Now before I continue I must point out that not all dreams we have take place in these “dream dimensions.” As human beings we do have regular random or nightmarish dreams with no familiar or profound significance to them. Those dreams to the best of my knowledge are visualizations of dominant feelings in our body and how our mind processes those feelings into the visuals you experience.

Common types of locations, shared by many, yet experienced from a personal (dream self) perspective include:

Forest areas: You can get to the forest areas through large rolling fields and hills. The forests, with large lakes within, there are lots of boats and floaty things in the lakes, there are islands on the lake with wooden houses built upon them, the lake has an artificial beach complete with jetties and equipment. The forests contain wooden cabins and buildings, other forests contain concrete bridges above long still rivers that spiral and line the floors, these rivers eventually flow into concrete runs, usually leading to the towns and cities. Open grass areas, and rolling hills with large stone block castle ramparts yet these ramparts are built into part of a hill above the trees. Large wooden climbing frames and rope bridges connecting different types of platforms together, essentially giant play areas with rope swings and massive wooden structures. Cycle paths, essentially many muddy and rocky footpaths, holiday/summer camp style sites. Eventually the forest will take you to either the high up outskirts of a city.

A large hill with a car park at the bottom just over the road from the hill.

Water park/theme park area: The water park/theme park. The car park for the park is based in a part of the forest area. Upon entry you are surrounded by shops, these shops are hut-like buildings yet big and established, inside are many toys or food and drinks.

The water park is massive, the main area for that before you enter the seemingly infinite locker rooms/bathroom areas with very damp and rundown shower rooms still all very large is a big circular dome, there are balconies and palm trees inside, dotted with cafes and shops. Elevators too, very reminiscent of the department store location I will get to.

The pool is very big and I remember it mostly from an outside pool part of the park, the park is surrounded by mountains and forests. There are different pools at alternating levels around the area, giant pool/lazy rivers that take you floating on a ride under the open sky and trees and down very large slides, then back inside, usually through a cave. The cave-like aesthetic of the water park is striking, there are water slides inside, which one usually climbs cave-like ramps to get to and around.

In the basement of the water park are big pool rooms with cave ceilings and ambient lights.

The theme park features roller coasters and rides laid out in a town/pier-like fashion. The rides are inside wooden saloon-like buildings all different colors and wooden-fronted, most of the time I am just in queue waiting to get on a ride, the line goes inside the building and through many rooms before you can board. The big fairground rides tall and mechanical. The roller coasters are complex and make little sense in their layout, high-up stations to board the rides, tiki bar-style cafes and shops dot the outskirts of the park. There are photo booths with bathrooms inside and again more shops selling anything you could imagine. Tents-like attractions that you walk through to enter, and many market stalls selling flags and other cheap novelties.

Childhood town/Neighborhood and shopping centers: In between the theme parks and cities, with large fenced fields separating the forests, is my hometown, my childhood home, friends' houses and town center, however they are not the same, although upon recollection I can pinpoint areas to areas, they look fundamentally different in their detail, my friends' house's garden is much bigger and has strange treehouse-style sheds with top and bottom floors in there as well, an old workplace of mine is in the same general area, however it looks different inside, very rundown and sometimes dripping with water and flashing with failing electricity. There are large cobbled streets with arches and hills of shooting with tunnels leading to dark backstreets and underground shops and cellars, these shops sell random collectibles and often strange ceramic objects. These shops are placed in labyrinthian corridors under the Main Street.

The suburbs are fascinatingly familiar, housing estates that seem to go on infinitely and make it easy to become lost, with squares of grass for the houses around to use and brickwork archways and alleys with asphalt paths.

There are clubs and pubs all thriving each time I go inside, however frequent they are in my dreaming I’ve never been to similar ones in waking life.

There are big green parks with large play equipment, very large rope climbing frames, strange slides that don’t slope, you just climb a ladder and enter a metal tower, large wooden climbing frames. Tennis courts and trees separated by neat bushes and flower patches. There are large cycle paths that lead you to other areas in the park, cut grassy hills roll down into children’s play parks and ponds.

And a large path with a corrugated fence will take me from the parks right into the town center, through a very busy trading estate/construction site, you usually have to be stealthy in the building site as it’s filled with workmen, whom you don’t actually see.

My old school with sports center feel so familiar when dreaming, yet bear no obvious similarities with the real thing, as it’s a mixture of my middle school and high school in one, rooms are always much bigger inside, with very long dark corridors and shiny floors taking you past old empty classrooms. Occasionally I am learning things but as of right now I cannot remember what exactly. Outside are trees and grass banks to sit on, imagine a school campus placed in the middle of a forest.

On the outskirts of town is a large supermarket, frequently I am in the car park and eventually park my car to go inside, the aisles are extremely tall, the shop again has a different layout to the waking thing however I am familiar with this layout, there is a technology section at the back left of the store, in the middle there is camping equipment and plants, with escalators going up to higher levels, the higher levels sell clothes.

An extremely notable and common thing with these accounts is the transportation around the town, there is a bus that can take me from place to place, the seating is very unorthodox, some seats are in a circular formation others line the sides of the bus, and then form a more conventional layout, you could say it’s all very futuristic. The buses will take me around town, usually into a busy nighttime center with revellers and clubs open.

Airplane: And in the day time through small villages with stone bridges and streams, connected to the many forests, winding roads up hills into the forest will bring you to the city.

Rivers and concrete bridges and walkways with underpasses.

Nature center and arcade: There is an arcade inside the biggest shopping mall area. Inside the arcade wooden fort walls, inside a TV VHS, fish tanks, old toys I remembered from a previous life or childhood within dream.

Seaside area: With large cave and pool inside it, more of a cove that you can sail around.

Seaside coves on from large fields, pirate-style wooden posts on the beach, to small coves with crazy waves, a lot of fun to play in the waves.

I must say though I personally feel these places are fundamentally very personal in their happening.

Now personally most of these settings and worlds seem to have been almost inspired by my waking world, yet actually in their detail, bear no match at all to the place in the waking world. The reason for this is that waking recollection brings only the feeling of similarity when compared with potential real world inspirations.

They are in their own personal way very unique and mystical to ponder on and dream within.

I feel lots of people as a society seem to write off dreams, more specifically their possibly unique and divine origins, as “only dreams” or go with the idea that they are just a tangled display, replaying the many experiences of the days before. I think to understand the subject of dream dimensions this will require your inquisitive imagination, an open mind. And the knowledge that not all the dreams we have are special in this way, in fact a lot of dreams are indeed very abstract and random in their nature, or even sometimes nightmares, in my eyes these are very separate occurrences.